I'm not sure when I last posted. I've been too busy working on the wedding to write about it!
Last night Jon and I picked out two readings, and we each choose someone to read. I won't spoil the surprise by saying what readings we have chosen, but I will say that one is by Shakespeare (and, no, it's not the sonnet you're thinking of) and one is by
ee cummings (and yes, it's one of the readable ones).
As to
ee cummings, I will say that it's not:
- "she being brand"
- "kitty"
- "next to of course god america"
- "nOw"
- "l(a"
Although, I love all of those (go look them up yourself if you're interested. Lazy people!)
Also, we did not choose "Walking Through the Woods on a Snowy Evening," a Robert Frost poem proudly on display at the function center called Promises to Keep which is up in New Hampshire, and where I Jon and I attended a wedding last year. The phrase "promises to keep" appears in the aforementioned poem, but that same poem - which I love, by the way - is one of the most depressing poems ever. The gist of which I feel is "my life sucks; but nature is peaceful; if only I could just lay down and die right here in quiet and solitude; but I've got too many things pulling me on; I have no choice but to trudge on, exhausted."
But this is about weddings, not literary criticism.
And I'm at work, not home, thus I shouldn't be writing this at all!
(P.S. I scheduled a meeting with Frank-the-DJ to discuss what to play and what not to play. Music requests gladly accepted, although I will not promise to honor them!)